热门关键词:B-100AP LUYOR-3415RG


作者:紫外光源事业部时间:2019-12-28 10:07:51浏览7419 次




黑光灯是一种能发出紫外线的灯。黑光灯也称为紫外线灯,UV-A灯和伍德氏灯。玻璃紫外线过滤器的发明者罗伯特·威廉姆斯·伍德(Robert Williams Wood)冠以“伍德的灯”的称号。几乎所有好的黑色光都应在光谱的UV部分中,而可见光很少。




黑光灯有许多不同的形式。有白炽灯,荧光灯,发光二极管(LED黑光灯),激光器和汞蒸气灯。白炽灯产生的紫外线很少,因此实际上会发出较差的黑光。其中一些仅由其他光源上的滤光片组成,这些滤光片会阻挡可见光,但允许紫外线波长通过。这种类型的灯泡或滤光片通常会发出暗淡的紫蓝色投射光,因此照明行业将这些设备称为“ BLB”,代表“黑光蓝色”。其他灯缺少过滤器。这些灯在可见光谱中往往更亮。一个很好的例子是“虫子开瓶器”中使用的荧光灯类型。这种灯称为“ BL”,代表“黑光”。黑光灯或紫外线激光会产生相干的单色辐射,人眼完全看不见它们。在此类设备上工作时,佩戴紫外护目镜(紫外线防护眼镜)尤为重要,因为光线可能导致立即和失明以及其他组织损伤。







What Is a Black Light?

A black light is a lamp that emits ultraviolet light. Black lights also are known as ultraviolet lamps, UV-A light, and Wood's lamp. The name "Wood's lamp" honors Robert Williams Wood, the inventor of glass UV filters. Nearly all of the light of good black light should be in the UV portion of the spectrum, with very little visible light.

Why Is a Black Light Called a "Black" Light?
Although black lights emit light, ultraviolet light is not visible to human eyes, so the light is "black" as far as your eyes are concerned. A light that only gives off ultraviolet light would leave a room in apparent total darkness. Many black lights also emit some violet light. This allows you see that the light is on, which is helpful in avoiding over-exposure to ultraviolet light, which can damage your eyes and skin.

Types of Black Lights
Black lights come in many different forms. There are incandescent lights, fluorescent lamps, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), lasers, and mercury-vapor lamps. Incandescent lights produce very little ultraviolet light, so they actually make poor black lights.
Some consist simply of filters over other light sources that block visible light but permit the passage of ultraviolet wavelength. This type of bulb or filter generally produces light with a dim violet-blue cast, so the lighting industry designates these devices as "BLB," which stands for "blacklight blue."
Other lamps lack a filter. These lamps tend to be brighter in the visible spectrum. A good example is the type of fluorescent bulb used in "bug zappers." This type of lamp is designated "BL," which stands for "black light."
Black light or ultraviolet lasers produce coherent, monochromatic radiation that is completely invisible to the human eye. It's particularly important to wear eye protection when working with such devices because the light can cause immediate and permanent blindness and other tissue damage.

Black Light Uses
Black lights have many uses. Ultraviolet light is used to observe fluorescent dyes, improve the brightness of phosphorescent materials, cure plastics, attract insects, promote melanin production (tanning) in skin, and illuminate artwork. There are multiple medical applications of black lights. Ultraviolet light is used for disinfection; diagnosing fungal infections, bacterial infections, acne, melanoma, ethylene glycol poisoning; and in treatment of neonatal jaundice.

Black Light Safety
Most black lights are relatively safe because the UV light they emit is in the longwave UVA range. This is the region closest to that of visible light. UVA has been linked to human skin cancer, so extended exposure to black light radiation should be avoided. UVA penetrates deeply into skin layers, where it can damage DNA. UVA does not cause sunburn, but it can destroy vitamin A, damage collagen, and promote skin aging.
Some black lights emit more light in the UVB range. These lights can cause skin burns. Because this light has a higher energy than UVA or visible light, it can damage cells more quickly.
Ultraviolet light exposure can damage the lens of the eye, potentially leading to cataract formation.




适用场所 款式 型号
车间探伤 便携式LED黑光灯 LUYOR-3103PLUYOR-3104、LUYOR-3105
床式探伤 吊挂式LED黑光灯 LUYOR-3115
大型设备在役设备探伤 电池供电LED黑光灯 LUYOR-365L、LUYOR-3103D、LUYOR-3014D
脱脂清洗用 手电筒式LED黑光灯 LUYOR-2130L
发动机、液压系统荧光检漏 手电筒式LED黑光灯 LUYOR-365L、LUYOR-3180
制药厂清洁验证 手电筒式LED黑光灯 LUYOR-3130LUYOR-3180
食品企业清洁检查 手电筒式LED黑光灯 LUYOR-2130L
酒店卫生检查 手电筒式LED黑光灯 LUYOR-3130
水泥厂、火电厂布袋检漏 手电筒式LED黑光灯 LUYOR-3160

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